Caring for Your Custom Leather Dining Chairs: Tips from the Experts

Caring for Your Custom Leather Dining Chairs: Tips from the Experts

Routine Maintenance is Key

Dust your chairs regularly using a soft cloth to prevent dirt buildup. For spills, a damp cloth is usually sufficient, but always remember to dry the leather afterward.

Conditioning: The Secret to Longevity

Just like our skin, leather needs moisturizing. Use a leather conditioner every 6-12 months to maintain its softness and prevent cracks.

Protecting Your Investment

Avoid placing your chairs in direct sunlight, which can cause the leather to fade. If you have pets, consider using protective covers or training them to keep off the chairs.


With the right care, your custom leather dining chairs can remain a centerpiece in your dining room for years. Regular maintenance, combined with occasional deep cleaning and conditioning, will ensure they always look their best.

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